The website is owned by Professor Joseph.
By using and browsing this site, the user acknowledges having read these general terms on this screen and expressly declares to accept them without reservation. These general terms can be printed and are available at any time. The user acknowledges having the necessary skills and means to access and use this site. The user acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and is in good working order. Finally, before any navigation on the site, the user acknowledges having ensured that the browser allows secure access to the site. The validations are considered by the user as having the value of acceptance of the pages viewed, and thus, the user acknowledges having been fully informed of the content of the pages concerned when proceeding with the validation. The consultation of the site is offered to internet users free of charge and without any guarantee from Professor Joseph. The user also agrees:
- not to use the services offered by Professor Joseph or the personal data to which he may have access for commercial purposes and, in general, to offer products and services remunerating him directly or indirectly,
- not to restrict by any means the use of Professor Joseph's site, not to falsify any mention or element of this site,
- not to intrude into a computer system, not to alter its content, or commit any of the offenses punished by articles 323-1 to 323-7 of the Penal Code ("hacking"),
- not to send unsolicited bulk messages to other users' mailboxes ("spamming").
This site constitutes a work by Professor Joseph. within the meaning of articles L111-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The photographs, texts, logos, pictograms, and all works integrated into the site are the property of Professor Joseph. They cannot be copied or imitated in whole or in part without the express authorization of Professor Joseph. You can request it by sending an email to Reproductions, transmissions, modifications, reuses, on paper or computer support, of said site and the works reproduced there are authorized only for personal and private use in accordance with the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code. These reproductions must clearly indicate the source and author of the site and/or these multimedia works. In no case can these reproductions prejudice the rights of third parties. Reproductions, transmissions, modifications, reuses for advertising, commercial, or information purposes, of all or part of the site, are totally prohibited. The logo of Professor Joseph cannot be modified – proportions, colors, elements, components – and cannot be subject to any transformation, animation, or any other process. Anyone not respecting the applicable legal provisions is guilty of the offense of counterfeiting and is liable to the penalties provided by law.
The site contains hypertext links allowing direct access to other content. Professor Joseph cannot permanently monitor these contents, and she cannot be held responsible for any reason whatsoever for the content of these sites and disclaims all liability in the event that these contents fail to meet legal, regulatory, or contractual obligations. Professor Joseph authorizes the establishment of a hypertext link to her site for all websites related to her field of activity. For other domains, it is necessary to make a written request to the communication department of The link must lead to the site's homepage and the site must appear in a new window. The pages of the site must not be integrated into the pages of another site (Frame) under any circumstances. Except for specific authorization that may be granted on a case-by-case basis, a direct link to an internal page of the site is prohibited. In all cases, Professor Joseph reserves the right to request the removal of a link if she deems that the target site does not respect the rules thus defined.
The user is fully informed of the existence of the rules and practices in force on the Internet, known as "Netiquette," as well as the various codes of conduct accessible on the Internet.
Professor Joseph strives, as far as possible, to keep the services accessible 24 hours a day, but may interrupt access, particularly for maintenance and upgrades, or for any other reason, particularly technical. Professor Joseph is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the user or any third party. It is recalled that Professor Joseph may at any time terminate her services or modify their characteristics, particularly for technical reasons, and this without notice.
Professor Joseph reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions, and warning notices of this charter. This charter is subject to English law. For any questions, you can contact Professor Joseph.
Professor Joseph strives, as far as possible, to keep the services accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, but may interrupt access, particularly for maintenance and upgrades, or for any other reason, particularly technical. Professor Joseph is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the user or any third party. It is recalled that Professor Joseph may at any time terminate her services or modify their characteristics, particularly for technical reasons, and this without notice.